23feb Piet Jeegers Clarinet Choir 26feb woensdag 26 februari gesloten 01mrt gesloten tijdens Carnaval 09mrt Theehuisconcert: Voci Strumentali 16mrt Lezing Ans Verdijk 16mrt Dasslang Parade 21mrt Lecture by Mariana Lanari: Archiving the Present: Weaving Memory and Resistance through Material Cultures 21mrt Performance door Reza Mirabi: 7 Attempts to Understand the Language of the Birds 23mrt Literair café: Sacha Bronwasser 27apr Theehuisconcert: Leks Compagnie: 'De Weg' 18mei Opening Ice Memory 01juni Theehuisconcert: Joseph Puglia: ‘Voices of the Violin’