
Lecture by Mariana Lanari: Archiving the Present: Weaving Memory and Resistance through Material Cultures
Vrijdag 21 Maart 2025, 14:00 - 15:30

21.03.2025 14:00 - 15:30


In this talk, Mariana Lanari will present her long-term artistic research project and the collective practice of Archival Consciousness, which attempts to formulate a language and visual grammar for engaging with archives and libraries in collaboration with archivists and cultural institutions. Drawing inspiration from the Marxist concept of class consciousness, Archival Consciousness reclaims the means of producing archives through the role of the archivist as a weaver of memory through material cultures. The project also interrogates the consciousness of the archive itself, envisioning cultural archives as witnesses that embody collective perspectives shaped by their positionality, processes, and materials. In Archiving the Present, the public is invited to participate in the creation of shared archives as acts of resistance, projecting dissident voices and collective memory into the not yet.

Like the breadcrumbs left in time, archives serve as both fragile and enduring embodiments of memory, sometimes lost, sometimes rediscovered, but always echoing across past, present, and future. Through this talk, Lanari wants to reflect on how archives, as physical and conceptual forms, can act as catalysts for remembrance, resistance, and the reimagining of collective narratives.


The lecture is only accessible for an English speaking audience. 


Mariana Lanari


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